Award nominations just keep coming for Crowdstacker
9th April 2016
We are proud to not only be one of the first Peer to Peer platforms to offer a true P2P Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) to investors, but also to have been nominated this week for Best Peer to Peer Platform 2016 in the Online Personal Wealth Awards.
We have been nominated in recognition of our great service and investment opportunities*. And the winner will be voted for by readers of MoneyAM.com, Sharemagazine.com and Stockmartketwire.com.
Uniquely amongst most other P2P platforms, at Crowdstacker, we only offer opportunities to lend to larger, financially secure and stable businesses offering attractive returns of typically around 5-6%.
We’re taking this third award nomination in as many months as a sign that our particular approach to P2P is something that people can clearly see the benefits of.
There is a wariness about peer to peer lending, perhaps rightly so, given that the term encompasses many different types of lending. But our sophisticated approach, which we believe is unique amongst our peers, means that only larger businesses with excellent financial track records and sound future prospects are allowed to use our platform to raise funds.
We think it is this more considered and in-depth due diligence approach which has been singled out by voters in the Online Personal Wealth Awards.
At Crowdstacker, we have also just become one of the first Peer to Peer platforms to offer investors a true Peer to Peer Innovative Finance ISA with rates of up to 6.8% interest available on our Peer to Peer lending investments. Something we are able to do because we successfully demonstrated all the criteria to secure full FCA authorisation almost a year ago, and have become one of the first to have been awarded ISA Manager status by HMRC.
The latest award nomination is the third industry award we have been nominated for since the start of this year. In January, Crowdstacker won the Best New Peer to Peer Provider award at the Moneynet Awards 2016.** And in February, we were shortlisted for the Credit Today Awards as Best P2P Platform*** – the results of which are yet to be announced.
Winners of the Online Personal Wealth Awards will be announced on 30th May 2016. You can vote for us at http://www.personalwealthawards.com/vote/
* www.personalwealthawards.com/about/
** www.moneynet.co.uk/moneynet-awards-2016/
*** www.credittodayawards.co.uk/finalists