Accelerate your Business: Lessons from the Front Line
Download your copy of 'Accelerate your business: Lessons from the Front Line' here.
As part of our work to support growing businesses in Britain, we have developed a new ebook, in partnership with Rivers Leasing. The ebook provides insight and understanding about how to build and develop a strong business in Britain today.
At Crowdstacker, we meet hundreds of businesses every year seeking finance and we see, time and time again, the common attributes that those few strong businesses have, which we ultimately list on our platform.
We’re all familiar with the idea of the ‘X Factor’ in the world of Show Business. It refers to that extra special ingredient, which can’t always be described or explained, but which can mean the difference between making it as a huge global star or singing in the shower to an audience of one.
There is also an X Factor for other types of business. If a business has it, it can take a small company to the next level, or a bigger company to national or international success.
Luckily for most business owners, this type of X Factor has little to do with youth and good looks, and much more to do with experience, knowledge and expertise.
Rivers Leasing works with a large variety of businesses across the UK by enabling them to lease assets so they can grow and/or continue to compete effectively in their market. Every day they work with business managers to help them define and achieve their growth strategies, and as such they have an unparalleled insight into how small businesses in the UK work and succeed.
Crowdstacker has pulled together some of these insights into a collection of essays written by members of the senior management team at Rivers Leasing. Download your copy of 'Accelerate Your Business: Lessons From the Front Line' here.
Whether it is understanding what your business’s secret recipe is or knowing how to keep your cool, these tales from real-life business management are a fascinating insight into what it takes to run a business in 21st Century Britain.