We’re celebrating two P2P award nominations
With two prestigious award nominations and the successful launch...
Check out our latest news
Oct 2017
A delicious description of different debt-based investments
In September 2017, we announced we would start...
Oct 2017
1.6million fewer cash ISAs were opened last year. Why, and what other options are available to savers?
Sep 2017
More fixed income products for investors signal evolution towards exchange
As Crowdstacker enters the next...
Sep 2017
Earmark funds for P2P investment and earn 3% p.a. (fixed) interest on your money.
Karteek Patel, CEO of...
Aug 2017
Thanks to FCA encouragement, we've cut unnecessary paperwork to move your money between accounts faster.
Aug 2017
The peer to business (P2B) lending industry is full of confusing terms. Let’s explain what some of them mean...
Aug 2017
Crowdstacker P2P loan will offer investors 6.5% p.a. gross interest
Pub redevelopment company Authentic...
Jul 2017
The gender pay gap is closing, so why are women still lagging behind when it comes to saving and investing?...
Jul 2017
Once again Crowdstacker has been named as the UK's best Peer to Peer lending platform, winning the Wealth and...