'Homes Under The Hammer' The Crowdfunded Way
12th June 2015
12th June 2015: NEW property crowdfunding opportunity, Quanta, is seeking to raise £3million by giving UK investors the chance to get involved in buying, doing-up and selling properties, all from the comfort of their living rooms.
Believed to be the first of its kind, money lent to Quanta through peer-to-peer lending platform, Crowdstacker, will be used to purchase good quality but run-down and neglected properties across the UK, with the purpose of refurbishing and selling them on at a higher price.
Unlike other crowdfunding opportunities nothing will be held as a buy-to-let, and the aim is to only keep properties for an average of three months to minimise costs and maximise returns.
Quanta has already been operating for nearly a decade in the UK and is a successful property development company with over 500 refurbishment projects under its belt. It is inviting investors to lend from £700 upwards, and offering a 6.8% return payable in quarterly instalments.
An early bird offer will give anyone investing before 24th June 2015 an extra six weeks’ interest.
“Really this opportunity is ideal for anyone who hankers after getting involved in property development, but has neither the time nor the money to do it by themselves,” explains Edward Stevenson, director of Quanta Group.
“We’ve consistently delivered a healthy profit margin over the last nine years, and want to raise this additional cash so that we can extend and share our success.
“We believe we are the first investment of this type to show investors exactly how their money is being spent including details on every property we buy and sell - even addresses and the full story behind the refurbishment.
“Both Robert [du Toit], my business partner, and I have come from backgrounds where we began investing in property with little more than a small deposit, a good mortgage deal and some hard graft. We know how difficult it is to get on the development ladder, so see this as a little bit of a leg-up for anyone wanting to get involved but who lacks the confidence or the means.
“Perhaps we are risking creating some competitors in the future, but we want investors to be able to learn from our expertise by watching how we do what we do.
“We would be proud to be the building blocks to help people not only get on the property ladder, but also know how to capitalise on the opportunity.”
Crowdstacker, one of the first peer-to-peer lending platforms in the UK to secure direct authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), agreed to feature the opportunity after carrying out the necessary due diligence on Quanta’s business. It has structured the loan product so that lenders are provided with extra levels of security, such as securing money lent by investors against the properties bought with the cash. This is in line with its business plan to only feature what they consider to be high calibre, more established businesses seeking to raise finance.
“Crowdstacker isn’t about fly-by-night start-ups or pie-in-the-sky entrepreneurs,” explains Karteek Patel, CEO of Crowdstacker. “We curate only what we consider to be better opportunities for people looking to lend money to businesses for compelling, yet sensible, rates of return.
“Crowdstacker is for people who want to lend to British businesses, but who also want the comfort of knowing we have undertaken extensive due diligence on those businesses and have deemed them to be financially healthy, stable, and well equipped to handle larger sums of investment responsibly and reliably.
“Quanta is a great company to lend money to. They work hard, they’re passionate about what they do, and they have a fantastic track record for doing it well.”
Risk warning
Lending to businesses can be rewarding, but it involves a number of risks. If you lend through Crowdstacker, please be aware that you may lose all of what you lend and that there is currently no active secondary market for the underlying loan to be transferred if you need access to the capital. You should not lend more than you are prepared to lose. For more information consult our full risk warning https://crowdstacker.com/risk-warning. Money lent is not insured or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Crowdstacker Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (frn. 648742).
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For more press info, contact Rebecca Stiasny on 07771 813 761 or rebecca.stiasny@crowdstacker.com
About Quanta Group
Quanta Group is a privately owned group company that leads and oversees the operation of a number of wholly owned subsidiaries established to buy, refurbish and sell on residential property at a profit.
Our group of companies has operated since 2006 and we have successfully navigated a number of challenging property market cycles.
Our robust, tried and tested and scalable approach has resulted in over 500 successful transactions with a total value of more than £70 million.
Our experienced team comprises property experts with a varied and extensive background in residential property in the UK and elsewhere.
This, combined with our attention to detail, ability to deliver on time and on plan, is the key to our success - to the advantage of our customers and investors.
About Crowdstacker
Crowdstacker is an FCA regulated peer-to-peer lending platform that makes available lending opportunities to great British businesses in the UK.
We aim to make crowdfunding accessible and rewarding for investors, and for the companies who come to us. Our focus is on quality and reliability. So we only consider applications from well established companies who have a compelling proposition and are in good financial health.
The company’s founders have worked together for more than a decade and combine a wealth of knowledge of the finance industry. Their considerable experience includes raising finance for companies, projects and funds in many sectors.